
Well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites,
as it is written, “This people honors me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me; In vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines human precepts.”

From Mark 7:1-13

Though Lent does not begin for another month, I have decided to get a head start on my plans for the season this year. Though I can afford to lose just five more pounds, I’m not going to focus on fasting. Actually, I don’t think I’m going to give up anything. Rather, I’m going to be proactive and do something positive. The troubles of this world of ours have convinced me that I simply have to do something to make things better as best I can.

So it is that I’ve decided to spend at least the same amount of time I spend at worship expressing God’s love to others. No, I’m not going to stand on street corners quoting scripture, preaching or reading my posts to those who pass by. What I am going to do is to add up the hours and minutes that I spend at Mass, at prayer and at spiritual reading. Then, I’m going to find ways to spend at least that amount of time each day caring for others.

Maybe I’ll phone a lonely friend. Maybe I’ll visit an elderly friend at the nursing home. Maybe I’ll take the grandkids while my son and daughter-in-law enjoy an evening out. Maybe I’ll visit the food pantries my parish supports. Maybe… However I choose to complete that “maybe” is not as important as actually getting out there and loving others. Maybe I won’t wait for Lent to get started!

Dear God, it seems to me that we are at our best we when treat one another as you do. Help me to use every day of this coming Lent and all of my days to bring your love to others.

©2014 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

2 thoughts on “Maybe…”

  1. Just a fantastic idea for observing Lent. I can’t see where Jesus spoke of doing voluntarily without but many times just doing for others. You have inspired me to look for ways to “observe Lent” by doing for others and together we will let Jesus reign in our hearts.

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