Tag Archives: influential people

Be A Grateful Soul

I give voice to my thanks,
and recount all your wondrous deeds…

Psalm 26:7

I cannot tell you whose voice it was that I heard. I was in the other room during the telecast. Still, those words echoed in my mind throughout the day. Even today, I can hear, “A grateful soul is a happy soul!” Though I was too busy to run into the family room to see who was speaking from our television set, I wasn’t so busy that I ignored the message. As is usually the case when I hear or read something which gets to what I consider to be the heart of the matter, I mulled over this observation for several days.

My parents and other influential adults taught me the value of gratitude very early on. I learned to begin my prayers by saying “thank you” for blessings received, even at those times when I wasn’t feeling particularly grateful. I soon discovered that these initial expressions of gratitude changed the tone of the rest of what I had to say. What might have been a litany of requests became a conversation during which I spoke and then listened regarding the needs of others. Though I didn’t “hear” a voice in response, I certainly felt the presence of our Benevolent Caregiver. It is no wonder that I wake up every morning saying, “Thank you for the sleep!” I simply can’t help myself for which I am also most grateful!

Gracious God, help us always to be grateful heralds of your love for us.

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