My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not spurn.

Psalm 51:17

I know I’ve shared this before, but a recent attempt to encourage a guilt-ridden friend urges me on to repeat myself once again…

“You’re so much harder on yourself than anyone else would ever be!” my dad observed. I knew he was right. I’ve been convinced of God’s love for me since I was a little girl. Still, whenever I was in error and did something which I deemed unforgivable, though the rest of the world viewed this otherwise, I was inconsolable. Afterward, I hid in my room or in our backyard when my guilt overwhelmed me. As I grew older, I hid in busyness, good deeds and anything else which would distract me from my culpability. Yes, for decades, it had been almost impossible for me to forgive myself for being human.

The good news is that God intervened to dispel my foolishness. God used the wisdom of the psalmist cited above, my forgiving parents, a perceptive priest, a kind teacher, an understanding sibling, my aunt, friends, my husband, our children, our grandchildren and many of my students and colleagues to help. These helpful souls reminded me in a variety of ways that I’m not expected to be perfect, but only to do my best as best I can. Each time, I sighed with relief, gratitude, joy and the resolve to remember that I am loved and forgiven ALWAYS!

In the event that you are buying into your own variety of guilt, DON’T! You are loved and forgiven always as well! Now join me in jumping for joy! Come on!

Loving God, thank you for the numerous reminders of your joyfully given love which come my way.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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