You raise me higher when I feel alone.
You raise me higher, Lord. You stay…

Inspired by Psalm 91 and Matt Wessel’s BE WITH ME

I’ve been surprised and overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork involved with a house purchase. In spite of the stellar efforts of our attorney, by the time we’d finished signing everything required to assume ownership of our new home, reading fine print and writing my name had become painful. I’m certain this phenomenon will repeat itself when my husband and I do the same to hand over our current home.

As much as I’ve just complained, I need to rejoice as well. Every box I’ve packed is filled with both our worldly possessions and precious memories. Those tangibles can be replaced if they’re broken along the way. Their loss in the grand scheme of things would be negligible.

Those memories? They are another story. The good news is that they won’t be damaged a bit by our move. In fact, my family’s assistance throughout all of this has added even more to the memories which will remain with me forever.

You know, when I wonder why my husband and I got ourselves into this moving mess, I must answer truthfully. This is a well-timed opportunity! Though the walls around us will change, the most important aspects of our life together will remain intact and precious memories will continue to be made.

Dear God, you’ve raised me higher and higher through the gift of my life’s ever-changing circumstances. Thank you!

©2021 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved