And over all the virtues, put on love,
because love binds us together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3:14

U is for Unity… If you read these posts regularly, you know that my husband and I lost a good friend in late November. I admit that it was tough to say “Good-bye” to him. Still, I couldn’t help finding joy and encouragement in the response of our friend’s family as he prepared to bid them his farewell from this life. Though we knew all concerned, watching them in their new roles as our friend’s 24/7 caretakers and support system redefined the concept of unity for me.

You know, not one of us is perfect. Yet, when it mattered most, our friend’s heartbroken family offered their best to ease him into eternity. U is for Unity and this family were one in their sorrow, one in their service and one in their love for their husband/father/father-in-law and they continue to be one in their love for each other.

It seems to me that this should be true wherever we find ourselves. Regardless of the circumstances, we need to see one another as a priority. We need to love one another as we love ourselves. We need to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts to better understand perspectives which sometimes differ from our own. We need to set aside non-essential details and focus upon the most essential needs of all of our human family and of this world. U is for Unity, and this should be especially true of God’s family.

As I imagine my friend enjoying his new home in heaven, I hear him saying, “That’s right, Mary! Now you get it! God has breathed life into billions of children and God loves each one of us. God’s only request is that we learn to get along.” My heaven-born friend built community where he was. Today, I’m going to try to do the same.

Yes, U is for Unity. Let’s all do our part to make this a reality when it comes to loving one another.

Dear God, you love each one of us. Help us to love each other as you do.

©2023 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved