B is for…

Come! Behold God’s deeds,
the astounding things God has done!.

Psalm 46:9

B is for Blessed. You are blessed and so am I. We wouldn’t walk this earth if we weren’t breathed into existence by our creatively loving God. I use the adverb “creatively” intentionally. You see, God’s blessings sometimes befuddle me. Often, I don’t recognize them until long after a given person or circumstance has moved on. A lifetime of chance meetings, one-liners which lodge in my memory, unexpected friendships, opportunities and seeming setbacks prove this over and over again. Though I don’t always realize it, I am indeed blessed.

As I consider and offer thanks for the blessings in my life, I must acknowledge that these blessings include everyone around me. This is the challenging part because “everyone” includes those who occasionally give me a headache, a heartache, a soul-ache or worse. How can I look upon these people as blessings?

B is for Blessed. You are blessed and so I am. So it is that you and I must gently remove the wrapping which conceals the blessedness within ourselves and within others. It is then that we’ll discover the fullness of God’s blessings.

Loving God, thank you for my blessings, especially the blessing of those around me. I will try to find reason to be grateful in each one.

©2018 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved