God has done great things for us.
From Psalm 126:2

When we returned home from a trek up north a few weeks ago, my husband-the-driver chose to take the scenic route. This was perfectly fine with me as I’d enjoy the rural sights we’d encounter long the way. All of that green and the animals which inhabit much of it would be far more enjoyable than multiple lanes of traffic which would flank our car on the highway.

Along the way, we passed a zip-lining site. Thick lines stretched amidst a forest of trees for what seemed at least a mile. My view from the car indicated that those trees were the best of the scenery a rider would enjoy. Though I don’t mean to be a “zip-lining snob”, I think I’ve become one. A decade ago, while visiting Alaska, my husband and I enjoyed a spectacular zip-lining excursion in Icy Straight Point.

It is there that native Alaskans operate the world’s longest zip-rider. For reasons unknown to me, Mike and I found the courage to take that zip-rider from the side of a mountain hundreds of feet above ground. For the entire duration of the ride, I repeated two phrases: “This is awesome!” and “Thank you, God, for giving me the courage to do this!” I recall that I smiled all the while.

When I looked back toward that roadside zip-line, I acknowledged that it paled in comparison to my Alaskan experience. Still, I wondered if I should give it a chance. After all, I’m the one who finds an adventure every time I walk my neighborhood. Every new day brings me a new perspective regarding the greenery I pass along the way. Perhaps those trees will provide their own wonderful soul-changing experience. With that, I turned to my husband to suggest that we may want to zip-line locally next time.

Generous God, thank you for revealing yourself in all of the wonders of this world.

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