Recuperate and Rejoice

He called them, and immediately they left
their boat and their father and followed him.

Matthew 4:22

As my convalescence continues, I am becoming more adept at utilizing quiet time. My morning greeting to the Lord God is much longer. My habitually quick thanks for a good night’s sleep have evolved into a descriptive accounting of my recent attempts at increased independence. When my husband leaves to take care of the day’s errands, I devise ways to complete chores here at home in one-armed fashion. I stop after each attempt to update the Lord God as though he is completely unaware of my handiwork. Mind you, I don’t complain. I simply talk God’s ear off hour after hour as though there is nothing else in this world that requires Divine intervention. Yes, these weeks of waiting to be free of my arm sling have proven to be quite fruitful, especially with regard to my relationship with God.

You know, the Season of Advent begins tomorrow. We are given four weeks to engage in joyful anticipation of Christmas. In years past, is has been extremely tough for me to find the time to truly joyfully anticipate this feast. Sadly, I have been too busy. This year, the simplified life-style which has been temporarily forced upon me has proven to be a true blessing.

I encourage you to seek a bit of simplification for yourself. Though you may not be able to shirk as many of your responsibilities as I have, are there a few activities which you can let fall to the wayside? Is there something that you can let go of so you can embrace that joyful anticipation after all? Trust me. It’s easier than you may think!

Loving God, you have turned my convalescence into a true blessing. Please, help your other children who may be ailing in spirit to find ways to recuperate. Fill them with the joy that only you can bring.

©Mary E. Penich All Rights Reserved