Be glad and rejoice!
From Matthew 5:17

though I’d intended to walk past our television, I stopped. Two boys playing basketball caught my attention. They reminded me of my own sons engaged in similar rivalries. These apparent brothers were being typically competitive . Of course, the bigger boy who appeared five or six years older than his sibling, was doing quite well. Oops! That was the case until Little Brother got possession of their basketball and excitedly raced for the hoop. On his way to make an impossible jump shot, Little Brother inadvertently elbowed Big Brother squarely in the eye.

Suddenly, the scene changed. The two boys were sitting at their kitchen table eating cookies. While Little Brother smiled shyly over that basket, Older Brother scowled as he sported a black eye. The two then stared blankly across the table until Little Brother picked up another cookie. He held that cookie in front of his eye. This effort to illustrate what Big Brother looked like elicited a reluctant smile and then laughter, first from Big Brother and than from both boys.

The only dialogue in the entire ad followed that laughter. A single encouraging voice invited us all to, “Stay playful!” As soon as I heard those words, I knew I had to share my own version of that line with you. So, today, I invite you once again to, “Stay joyful!”

Oh, and thank you, Nabisco, for that inspiring Oreo Cookie commercial!

Dear God, despite our troubles, we will try to be glad, to be joyful, and yes, to be playful, too!

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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