“Which of you, if your child asks for a fish, will offer a snake instead? Or if that child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion? If you then know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will God in heaven give to those who ask!”
From Luke 11:11-13

My heart ached as my friend sobbed. She was convinced that that she was completely unforgivable. Before I could utter a word, she enumerated her alleged evil-doing and the resulting sorrow that filled her life. My friend ended this monologue with a deluge of tears.

After her tears ran out run out and she had no energy left to fight off my consolation, I told her that I was glad to be with her. I also told her that I loved her. I still do. After sitting quietly for a few minutes, I asked if she felt a little better. She smiled and admitted, “I feel a lot better. Thank you.” I was extremely grateful when my friend gave me that opening to offer one more bit of consolation.

“You know, I would never hold anything against you. You’ve lived through tough times and I understand what drove you to do what you did. You know what else? My opinion doesn’t matter. God’s does. If I can be here for you and love you despite all of this, think of how much more God does for you! God never ever gives up on you! God doesn’t give up on any of us!”

I think she believed me because I left my friend smiling. Afterward, when she called to thank me, I could hear the smile in her voice. That smile lasted for a very long time…

Thank you, loving and merciful God, for loving each one of us so completely.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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