God formed Adam out of the clay of the ground
and blew into his nostrils the breath of life,
and so Adam became a living being.

Genesis 2:7

After reading today’s newspaper, I prayed in full earnest about most of what I’d read about. It was one of those times when the tone of my prayer amazed me. I can only imagine what God was thinking! Too often, I’ve stepped back from a monologue directed at our patient God to also ask myself what I am thinking. Each time, after getting over the unmitigated gall with which I dared to pray, I take a deep breath and begin again. This morning’s effort was no exception.

It is during these second beginnings that I apologize for my nerve in ordering God around. I explain that God’s ongoing generous responses encourage me to demand more of the same. I offer thanks for God’s unconditional love and I explain that it is that unconditional love which urges me on. Though I never actually “hear” a single word, God communicates in the peaceful assurance which fills me afterward. For a moment, I worry a bit less and commit myself once again to do what I can to fix things.

You know, God tells us often that we are God’s greatest handiwork. Part of that greatness comes in the traces of God’s love – God’s DNA- which remain in us. Because we’re God’s offspring, it’s no wonder we’re not only compelled to talk to God, but also to assume that we’re heard. It occurs to me that, if this is the case, I need to worry less, to do more, and to pray a bit more politely!

Loving God, thank you for your loving care.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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