For God loves the people…
From Psalm 149:4

We’ll celebrate three of our grandchildren’s birthdays this summer. Some years ago, Grandpa and I came up with a creative plan for these special occasions. Rather than purchasing numerous gifts which sometimes go by the wayside in short order, we decided to share the gift of our time. This tradition began with our granddaughters and continues with them and our two grandsons.

We typically planned an overnight stay, a special dinner and an outing for each one. Our hope was and is that these efforts will underscore the love that we feel for them twenty-four/seven. Though we had to scrap our plans during the pandemic, the tradition continues in a variety of forms.

You know, I can recall only a few of the gifts I received for my childhood birthdays. However, I do remember are the celebrations with my mom, dad and siblings who sang “Happy Birthday” to me on those special days. I remember the story books and picnics shared, the reassurances at 3:00 AM when I couldn’t sleep and the “I love you!” that accompanied good-night kisses. I especially remember the forgiveness offered after a much-deserved scolding.

In the end, perhaps Grandpa and I will succeed in giving our grandchildren the best gift of all -the affection of a family who truly loves them.

Dearest God, we would not know how to gift one another with love if you hadn’t shown us the way.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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