My husband Mike was on a roll!  That morning, we took a field trip to his favorite garden center.  We (I mean he) purchased several flats of flowers.  We (I mean he) had enough flowers to fill all the pots that will bring color to our front and back yards. While Mike checked to see that he had everything he needed, I visualized the mental map I knew he was constructing.  By the time we arrived at home, Mike was fairly certain of where he’d plant every one of the flowers he’d selected.  Honestly, I was relieved that he had a plan in place.  I had writing to do.  I needed to come up with a plan of my own to share with you today!

As it happened, Mike happily busied himself with those flowers.  Chirping birds seemed to cheer him on as he worked.  When I saw that he was neatly stacking the flower trays he’d emptied, I determined that my usual “clean-up” assistance was unnecessary.  I headed indoors with the hope that a bit of inspiration would allow me to happily busy myself as well!

During that short walk from the yard to my keyboard -perhaps 50 or 60 steps– my mood changed dramatically.  Was it the familiar scent of those flowers?  Rather than focusing on Pentecost, my thoughts turned to four funerals I’d attended since my sister’s passing.  At each one, I consoled those who mourned with my certainty regarding their loved ones’ new lives.  I meant every word!  I still do!  Nonetheless, my heart ached.  I’ve shared before that I’ve been a student of death and dying since childhood.  My certainty regarding what comes next has never wavered.  So why did sadness overwhelm me? 

Perhaps I’d stepped into the shoes of Jesus’ friends.  They were terribly frightened after Jesus died on the cross.  Though Jesus rose just two days later, his appearances were always surprises.  Jesus’ friends had no idea of what might become of them between those visits.  Though these encounters were reassuring, they didn’t dispel the fear and doubt that remained.  The scriptures tell us that his friends watched as Jesus ascended into heaven.  Still, despite that proof, they went into hiding afterward until Pentecost.  Fortunately for them -and for us, on Pentecost, God’s Spirit assured them that they would never ever be alone again.  You and I are assured of the same. 

 My efforts to console those who mourn sometimes include accounts regarding near-death experiences and the hereafter.  I’ve spoken with and read about people among us who have had these amazing experiences.  Each one died, only to be revived to continue their lives on this earth.  During their interludes with the hereafter, these people discovered that there is nothing to fear because a beautiful place filled with love awaits us.  As I’ve acknowledged before, these accounts have added a new dimension to my faith.  They have also transformed my hope in eternal life into knowledge.  It is much easier to make our way through this life when we have some idea of what lies ahead at the end of our journeys here.

I admit that, though I embrace this assurance with open arms, I sometimes lose my grip on it.  On the first Pentecost, God’s Spirit rushed in to encourage Jesus’ followers despite the difficulties they might face. The mighty wind which surrounded Jesus’ friends renewed their hope and urged them on.  Suddenly, the things to come seemed within reach!  When they embraced this reassurance, the disciples realized that they would endure and rise above this life’s trauma after all!  The pages and pages of scripture passages which follow the Pentecost accounts celebrate the disciples’ efforts and successes in this regard.  It seems that I must hold tightly to God’s assurances after all!

Today, God invites you and me to celebrate the reality of the things to come.  Just as importantly, God encourages us all to make the most of our lives on this earth as we await the wonder which lies ahead.  It occurs to me that my husband enjoys his excursions to the garden center because he knows what awaits him when his work is finished.  That mental map which guides Mike’s planting includes a vision of the results.  Imagining those colorful blossom-filled pots and flowerbeds are all he needs to urge him on.  The beauty Mike will enjoy in the weeks and months to come is worth all his effort.     

Perhaps imagining the promise of Pentecost fulfilled is what we need to do.  God insists that the beauty we will enjoy one day is worth every bit of our effort!  Until then, God urges us on!                                                                    

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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