I chose you before the world began.
Ephesians 1:4

I get it, I really do. War and unrest have plagued this world throughout human history. Just a few pages into The Creation Story, the
author tells us that Adam and Eve misused God’s gifts despite God’s extreme generosity. The story goes on to tell us that the couple’s son Cain killed his own brother out of jealously. From Day One, we humans have had good reason to ask ourselves, “What are we thinking?”

Fortunately, peace and contentment also punctuate our human experiences, hopefully enough to pique our desire for more. I believe that God planned for each one of us before creating the universe and breathing life into humankind. I also believe that, when God gave us life, God included a bit of Divine DNA in the mix. So, what’s the problem?

Psychologists and educators, sociologists, historians and experts of every kind have tried to answer that question. Since there is no consensus to date, it seems appropriate to take matters into our own hands. Though most of us don’t control much, we do have some influence in our own little corners of our world.

On this fifth day of Finding Joy, I’m going to do something to bring joy to someone I meet along the way. When I do this, I’ll contribute joy to our collective human experience. Considering what I’ve seen in the news as of late, it’s time to stop asking, “What we are thinking?” and to start doing what we know we should.

Patient God, help us to find the joy within us and around us and to share that joy at every opportunity.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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