In God, we live and move and have our being…
for we, too, are God’s offspring.
From Acts 17:28

It was one of my mom’s last Christmases with us.  She sat watching her family with a broad, yet tearful smile.  When I asked what was wrong, she replied, “Nothing’s wrong.  Everything’s good. I just love watching you all having fun together!”  With that, I left my mom to enjoy her grandchildren as they shared their new toys on the floor in front of our Christmas Tree. I watched her enjoy her own children as they chatted around the dining room table.  What more could she ask for?

It’s two decades later, and I admit to sharing my mom’s joy in this regard.  When our children (yes, this includes our daughters-in-law) and grandchildren gathered to celebrate Mother’s Day, I stepped back to watch the bigger cousins and little cousins at play. They had a wonderful time chasing around and playing with our grand-dog and one another.  I also noted the playful interactions between the adults.  What more can I ask for?

A good deal of the joy I’ve experienced has come in the midst of my family.  Some has come in encounters with those whom I view as extended family, be they parts of my neighborhood, my network of friends or my fellow church peeps.  Sometimes, one-time chance encounters at the grocery store or while out walking bring a measure of the same.

Perhaps being open to God’s other kids, wherever we meet them, will up the odds of our finding a bit of joy today.  Let’s try!

Loving God, each of us is a part of your family.  Be with us as we do our best to share your joy with one another.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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