God, how wonderful are your works
because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

Psalm 139:14

“I’m a baby. I need diapers. I don’t need underwear!” The other day, I recalled that quote from a few years ago when our youngest grandchild announced that he was wearing new underwear. Though he is thrilled as can be to share this fashion adventure today, that wasn’t the case when potty training invaded his once carefree life.

I clearly recall trying to convince this little guy to try his potty chair before a nap or a walk outdoors. I wondered if his dad and uncle were as stubborn about this . Before I forced myself to recall the details of those adventures. I considered my own stubborn ways…

Hmmm… I tend not to express strong opinions in words as eloquently as my grandson does. I make my feelings known by withdrawing from troubling situations. Rather than verbalizing my discomfort, I hold it in and seethe quietly. Needless to say, this response isn’t helpful to anyone, especially to me. My temporary adversary is left to assume that I either don’t care about the situation or that I’m in agreement with him or her. I’m left to my silent anger which manages to drain the joy from the moment at hand and sometimes for days afterward.

On this ninth day of seeking joy, I must acknowledge that this quest sometimes involves a bit of discomfort along the way. In the end, however, I also see that, as distasteful as sharing my feelings may be at a given moment. the resulting resolution is worth this effort. The joy which follows is worth the effort as well.

Dear God, you’ve created each one of us and you value each one of us more than we’ll ever realize. Help us to bring joy to this world and to ourselves by sharing who we are lovingly and honestly.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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