Sad as I was, I headed outdoors to enjoy our sundrenched neighborhood.  That day, my sister’s passing seemed too much to bear.  I needed something to distract me.  Because we’re relative newcomers, I hoped to notice something I hadn’t seen before in our neighborhood that day. Much to my good fortune, a trellis caught my eye.  Actually, it was the rambling lilac branches that seemed to overwhelm the trellis that demanded my attention.  Though I normally keep moving during my walks, I had to stop to examine that trellis a bit more closely.

This wooden archway is about the width of a typical doorway.  However, the lilac branches spewing from its top reach out two or three feet in every direction.  It occurred to me that this poor trellis might be blown over by the next big wind.  Then, I noticed two amazingly thick trunks flanking each side.  “No wonder it can stand,” I told myself.  Those lilac blooms are so beautiful and plentiful because they’re getting all the support and nourishment they need from those sturdy trunks.  When I looked more closely, I saw that the branches atop that trellis were woven tightly together.  Not one of them would be displaced by the wind because they held one another in place.  Amazing!  With that, I returned to my walk.

When I left home that morning, I hoped to return in a better frame of mind.  I hoped that the beauty around me would remind me of the beauty that surrounds my sister these days.  My amazing encounter with those lilacs was an unexpected bonus. As I walked on, I turned my eyes upward and said, “Thank you!”  I quickly realized that the amazing lilac trellis wasn’t the only natural wonder to be found along the way.  Every tree, bush, and plant boasted leafy branches that complemented and supported one another.  They flourished because they were nourished by vines, trunks and roots which anchored them safely in the soil.  Each one also basked in the sunshine lavished upon them from above.  I happily absorbed that sunshine as well as it overpowered the lingering spring chill –and the sadness– with which I’d started out that day. 

It was 90 minutes later when I returned home.  On the way, I had taken another look at that lilac-crowned trellis, still mesmerized by its ability to stand.  I also took another look at my sense of loss.  Yes, I will miss my sister for some time.  However, she is in very good company in the hereafter these days.  So, I traded my shoes for slippers, and I traded my sadness for joy.  Then, I headed to my desk to read John’s gospel (15:1-8) in preparation for this writing.  Afterward, I couldn’t help repeating my prayer of thanks.

You see, in this passage, Jesus likened himself to a vine and God to a vine grower.  Jesus added that our vine grower provides everything necessary to allow his precious crops –you and me- to flourish.  Jesus explained that his people –again, you and me- are the branches which sprout from him.  As I envision the trellis I saw on my walk, its greenery compels me to carry Jesus’ metaphor a step further.  

Each one of us is a recipient of God’s sustaining nourishment.  God provides us all that we need.  To be certain that we understand God’s nurturing ways, Jesus demonstrated God’s love for us in everything he said and did.  Jesus added that God not only nourishes us; God also dwells within us.  Our part in all of this is to mingle and to intertwine and to weave ourselves together.  In the process, we’ll keep one another safely anchored to the amazing vine who sustains us all. 

Now, when I question my sister’s passing and the value of my presence to her and to everyone around me, I remember that lilac-laden trellis. Just a few snips would dislodge its branches and upset the amazing network that allows its top-heavy growth to stand and to flourish.  When I stood nearby my sister, I held things together a bit as well.  The truth is that each of us has the ability to nourish and to support one another as only we can.  God entrusts us with this power and God remains to support us in all our efforts.  You and I follow Jesus’ lead and act as sturdy vines because everyone connected to us depends on us!   

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved


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