God looked at everything God had made and found it to be very good.
Genesis 1:31

Time with my sons has always been and continues to be great fun. Lincoln Logs were a big deal when Mike was little. Legos were Tim’s favorite. I built a variety of little towns with each of them. We filled them with inhabitants and vehicles of every sort. Though we spent time together in a variety of ways, building with my sons is a favorite memory.

Obviously, time with our grandchildren is also great fun. Though their toys have varied over the years, the quality of every minute spent together hasn’t diminished a bit. What could be better than a bit of family time? After typing that question, I turned to the wall where our family photos hang. Nothing is better than family time!

Those photos elicit both long ago and recent memories. My husband and I are extremely blessed by our family. Our sons are good guys who married great partners and have gifted us with amazing grandchildren. If I didn’t do another bit of work or writing or travel or… You get the idea. If I did nothing more, I could look upon this family of mine and find them all to be very good,

Again, I find joy.

Loving God, when we’re together, we find joy. Thank you!

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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