Tag Archives: New York City

Peace Begins With Us

A peaceful heart create in me, O God;
and a steadfast spirit renew within me.

Psalm 51:12

Though it has been 19 years, the date continues to send a chill up my spine. Like I do, you likely recall precise details of where you were when you realized what had happened in New York City, Arlington County, Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. The good to be found in all of this unfolded among us during the days that followed. Uncommon selflessness and generosity became the norm. Political differences fell to the wayside. We joined hands as one people to do everything possible to bring about healing.

I was convinced then just as I am convinced today that our world is in dire need of peace. Our sisters and brothers who were directly touched on 9/11 can attest to this. Those of us touched by tragedy of so many kinds since then as well as our current battle with this pandemic agree with this assessment. If this isn’t enough, daily news reports of the violence we inflict upon one another underscore our need to rid our world of violence and to embrace peace once and for all.

My mom reminded me often that charity begins at home. She expected me to show my own family the kindness that I so willingly extended to others. Today, I remind myself that peace begins at home: in our world, in our country, in our neighborhoods, in our workplaces, in our schools, in our families and, most importantly, in our hearts. Today, I remind myself to do something to infuse peace into every moment I’m given.

Loving God, help us. Give us hearts which desire peace and hands which extend that peace to all whom we meet along the way.

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