B is for BLESSED

Blessed are the sorrowing;
they shall be consoled.

Matthew 5:4

B is for Blessed. You are blessed and so am I. I admit that I didn’t necessarily feel blessed when I received the news regarding my sister’s diagnosis. However, I did discover that she was blessed -and I was, too- by the amazing efforts of so many who cared for her. The truth is that God’s blessings sometimes befuddle me. I don’t often recognize them until long after a given person or circumstance has moved on.

My sister would agree. During her illness, and many times before, we spoke of chance meetings, odd circumstances, one-liners which lodged in our memories, unexpected friendships, amazing opportunities, and heart wrenching setbacks which morphed into the unexpected in remarkable ways. In the end, each of these left us feeling blessed.

B is for Blessed. You are blessed and so I am. Today, let’s open our eyes and our hearts so we can discover the blessedness of every person and circumstance we encounter.

Loving God, thank you for making us all more than worth the trouble. Thank you for making each of us blessed.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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