D is for DEPTH

Jesus said to them,
“Come after me and I will make you fishers of people.”

Mark 1:17

D is for Depth. I wonder if Jesus appreciated the irony when he called Simon and Andrew to follow him. They were already experts regarding what lay beneath the surface. After all, they were successful fishermen… Okay… The truth is that I’m not wondering at all! Jesus knew what he was doing when he asked Peter and the rest to cast their nets into deeper waters. Jesus wanted them to set their sights on something new and so much better. Jesus wanted them to set their sights on their fellow humans.

I think I discovered Jesus’ urgency during my visits with my ailing sister. Just as Simon and Andrew had made a science of studying the waters to determine where to cast their nets, I thought I’d made a science of caring for others. However, as the days and weeks of my sister’s illness passed, I discovered that there’s nothing routine about caring for one another and there’s nothing routine about our journey’s through this life.

As routine as those days she spent in the hospital seemed and as routine as my schedule seemed to become, something always occurred which gave us reason to pause, to rethink and to adjust. Adventurous as my sister had been during her life, this journey stumped her a bit. Her destination was both promising and completely unknown…

Depth… Of all of God’s gifts, I think, I think I’ve recently become most appreciative of our ability to understand one another with some depth. What an adventure it is to delve beneath the surface to discover what actually makes someone close to me tick! What a gift it is to reevaluate what makes me tick! What a gift it is to share those discoveries!

Dear God, you reside within the depths of each one of us. Will you help us to find one another and you a bit more easily -please???

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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