H is for…

He grew up, and the Lord was with him all the while.
From 1 Samuel 3:19

H is for Heaven and Hereafter and Home. In my mind, these three “H places” are synonymous. When I was a child, I was convinced that Heaven was our eternal Home. I didn’t begin to use the term “Hereafter” until years later when I took a class called Death, Dying and The Afterlife in college. Though I’d been aware of the existence of Heaven all my life, The Afterlife deepened my understanding of what comes next. Finally, I began to look at that next as a powerful and meaningful existence which would prove to be an even greater adventure than our earthly lives.

My ailing sister gave me a series of lessons in this regard. Of course, when she became ill, she hoped for effective treatment which would return her to good health. She would have been more than happy to extend her stay in this world. However, when she learned that this was not a possibility, she set her sights for something much better. “I want it to be today!” she often said. It occurs to me that that every time she said this, she did not look at me. She looked directly above her. She seemed quite certain that the appropriate Party was listening!

As it happens, my sister is experiencing all three: She has made her way Home to Heaven where she will spend an amazing Hereafter basking in love… There, we will all join her one day!

Loving God, remind us often that we’re all destined to spend the Hereafter in Heaven, our final Home with you.

©2024 Mary Penich – All Rights Reserved

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